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Server Configurations

Sample Config
version: 1

# logging configuration
# debug, info, warning, error, fatal - default 'info'
level: debug
# none(default), stdout, db
audit_events: none
# list of audit events to be ignored
# e.g. ["app.user.created", "app.permission.checked"]
ignored_audit_events: []
port: 8000
port: 8001
# optional tls config
# tls_cert_file: "temp/server-cert.pem"
# tls_key_file: "temp/server-key.pem"
# tls_client_ca_file: "temp/ca-cert.pem"
# port for application metrics
metrics_port: 9000
# enable pprof endpoints for cpu/mem/mutex profiling
profiler: false
# WARNING: identity_proxy_header bypass all authorization checks and shouldn't be used in production
identity_proxy_header: X-Frontier-Email
# full path prefixed with scheme where resources config yaml files are kept
# e.g.:
# local storage file "file:///tmp/resources_config"
# GCS Bucket "gs://frontier/resources_config"
resources_config_path: file:///tmp/resources_config\
# secret required to access resources config
# e.g.:
# system environment variable "env://TEST_RULESET_SECRET"
# local file "file:///opt/auth.json"
# secret string "val://user:password"
# optional
resources_config_path_secret: env://TEST_RESOURCE_CONFIG_SECRET

# cross-origin resource sharing configuration
# allowed_origins is origin value from where we want to allow cors
- "" # use "*" to allow all origins
- Authorization
- Content-Type
# configuration to allow authentication in frontier
# to use frontier as session store
# both of them should be 32 chars long
# hash helps identify if the value is tempered with
hash_secret_key: "hash-secret-should-be-32-chars--"
# block helps in encryption
block_secret_key: "block-secret-should-be-32-chars-"
# domain used for setting cookies, if not set defaults to request origin host
domain: ""
# same site policy for cookies
# can be one of: "", "lax"(default value), "strict", "none"
same_site: "lax"
# secure flag for cookies
secure: false
# validity of the session
validity: "720h"
# once authenticated, server responds with a jwt with user context
# this jwt works as a bearer access token for all APIs
# generate key file via "./frontier server keygen"
# if not specified, access tokens will be disabled
# example: /opt/rsa
rsa_path: ""
# if rsa_path is not specified, rsa_base64 can be used to provide the rsa key in base64 encoded format
rsa_base64: ""
# issuer claim to be added to the jwt
iss: ""
# validity of the token
validity: "1h"
# custom claims configuration for the jwt
# if set to true, the jwt will contain the org ids of the user in the claim
add_org_ids: true
# if set to true, the jwt will contain the user email in the claim
add_user_email: true
# Public facing host used for oidc redirect uri and mail link redirection
# after user credentials are verified.
# If frontier is exposed behind a proxy, this should set as proxy endpoint
# e.g. http://localhost:7400/v1beta1/auth/callback
# Only the first host is used for callback by default, if multiple hosts are provided
# they can be used to override the callback host for specific strategies using query param
callback_urls: ["http://localhost:8000/v1beta1/auth/callback"]
# by default, after successful authentication(flow completes) no operation will be performed,
# to apply redirection in case of browsers, provide a list of urls one of which will be used
# after authentication where users will be redirected to.
# this is optional
authorized_redirect_urls: []
# oidc auth server configs
client_id: ""
client_secret: "xxxxx"
issuer_url: ""
# validity of the verification duration
validity: "10m"
subject: "Frontier - Login Link"
# body is a go template with `Otp` as a variable
body: "Please copy/paste the OneTimePassword in login form.<h2>{{.Otp}}</h2>This code will expire in 15 minutes."
validity: 15m
subject: "Frontier Login - One time link"
# body is a go template with `Otp` as a variable
body: "Click on the following link or copy/paste the url in browser to login.<br><h2><a href='{{.Link}}' target='_blank'>Login</a></h2><br>Address: {{.Link}} <br>This link will expire in 15 minutes."
validity: 15m
# platform level administration
# Email list of users which needs to be converted as superusers
# if the user is already present in the system, it is promoted to su
# if not, a new account is created with provided email id and promoted to su.
# UUIDs/slugs of existing users can also be provided instead of email ids
# but in that case a new user will not be created.
users: []
# smtp configuration for sending emails
smtp_port: 587
smtp_username: "username"
smtp_password: "password"
smtp_insecure: true
from: ""
# webhook configuration for sending events to external services
# encryption key used to encrypt the secrets stored in database not to encrypt
# the webhook payload
encryption_key: "encryption-key-should-be-32-chars--"
driver: postgres
url: postgres://frontier:@localhost:5432/frontier?sslmode=disable
max_query_timeout: 500ms

host: spicedb.localhost
pre_shared_key: randomkey
port: 50051
# consistency ensures Authz server consistency guarantees for various operations
# Possible values are:
# - "full": Guarantees that the data is always fresh although API calls might be slower than usual
# - "best_effort": Guarantees that the data is the best effort fresh [default]
# - "minimize_latency": Tries to prioritise minimal latency
consistency: "best_effort"
# check_trace enables tracing in check api for spicedb, it adds considerable
# latency to the check calls and shouldn't be enabled in production
check_trace: false

# stripe key to be used for billing
# e.g. sk_test_XXXXXXXXXXX
stripe_key: ""
# if true, tax will be calculated automatically by stripe
# before turning it on, make sure you have configured tax rates in stripe
stripe_auto_tax: false
# webhook secret to be used for validating stripe webhooks events
# all the secrets are used to validate the events useful in case of key rotation
stripe_webhook_secrets: []
# path to plans spec file that will be used to create plans in billing engine
# e.g. file:///tmp/plans
plans_path: ""
# default currency to be used for billing if not provided by the user
# e.g. usd, inr, eur
default_currency: ""
# billing customer account configuration
# automatically create a default customer account when an org is created
auto_create_with_org: true
# name of the plan that should be used subscribed automatically when the org is created
# it also automatically creates an empty billing account under the org
default_plan: ""
# default offline status for the customer account, if true the customer account
# will not be registered in billing provider
default_offline: false
# free credits to be added to the customer account when created as a part of the org
onboard_credits_with_org: 0
# credit_overdraft_product is the product name that should be used to calculate per unit cost
# of the overdraft credits, it uses the first price available for the product
credit_overdraft_product: ""
# plan change configuration applied when a user changes their subscription plan
# proration_behavior can be one of "create_prorations", "none", "always_invoice"
proration_behavior: "create_prorations"
# immediate_proration_behavior can be one of "create_prorations", "none", "always_invoice"
# this is applied when the plan is changed immediately instead of waiting for the next billing cycle
immediate_proration_behavior: "create_prorations"
# collection_method can be one of "charge_automatically", "send_invoice"
collection_method: "charge_automatically"
# product configuration
# seat_change_behavior can be one of "exact", "incremental"
# "exact" will change the seat count to the exact number of users within the organization
# "incremental" will change the seat count to the number of users within the organization
# but will not decrease the seat count if reduced
seat_change_behavior: "exact"
# refresh interval for billing engine to sync with the billing provider
# setting it too low can lead to rate limiting by the billing provider
# setting it too high can lead to stale data in the billing engine
# e.g. 60s, 2m, 30m
customer: 1m
subscription: 1m
invoice: 5m
checkout: 1m

This page contains reference for all the application configurations for Frontier.


versionintVersion number of the Frontier configuration file.No

Logging Configuration

log.levelstringLogging level for Frontier. Possible values debug, info, warning, error, fatalNo
log.audit_eventsstringAudit level for Frontier. Possible values none, stdout, dbNo

App Configuration

app.portPort number for HTTP communication.8000Yes
app.grpc_portPort number for gRPC communication.8001Yes
app.metrics_portPort number for metrics reporting.9000Yes
app.hostHost address for the Frontier application.
app.identity_proxy_headerHeader key used for identity proxy.
app.resources_config_pathFull path prefixed with the scheme where resources config YAML files are stored.
Either new resources can be added dynamically via the apis, or can be passed in this YAML file
app.resources_config_path_secretSecret required to access resources config.No
app.disable_orgs_listingIf set to true, disallows non-admin APIs to list all organizations.No
app.disable_users_listingIf set to true, disallows non-admin APIs to list all users.No
app.cors_originOrigin value from where CORS is allowed.Yes(for Admin UI)

Authentication Configurations

Configuration to allow authentication in Frontier.

app.authentication.session.hash_secret_keySecret key for session hashing.Yes"hash-secret-should-be-32-chars--"
app.authentication.session.block_secret_keySecret key for session encryption.Yes"block-secret-should-be-32-chars-"
app.authentication.token.rsa_pathPath to the RSA key file for token authentication.Yes"./temp/rsa"
app.authentication.token.issIssuer URL for token authentication.Yes""
app.authentication.callback_urlsExternal host used for OIDC/Mail link redirect URI.Yes"['http://localhost:8000/v1beta1/auth/callback']" client ID for OIDC authentication.No"" client secret for OIDC authentication.No"xxxxx" issuer URL for OIDC authentication.No""

Admin Configurations

app.admin.usersEmail list of users to be converted as superusers.
If the user is already present, they will be promoted to superuser.

Database Configurations

db.driverDatabase driver. Currently supports postgres.postgresYes
db.urlDatabase connection URL.postgres://username:password@localhost:5432/databaseName?sslmode=disableYes
db.max_idle_connsMaximum number of idle database connections.10No
db.max_open_connsMaximum number of open database connections.10No
db.conn_max_life_timeMaximum connection lifetime.10msNo
db.max_query_timeoutMaximum query execution timeout.500msNo

SpiceDB Configurations

spicedb.hoststringHostname or IP address of the SpiceDB servicelocalhostYes
spicedb.pre_shared_keystringRandom key for authentication and secure communication with SpiceDBrandom_keyYes
spicedb.portuintPort number on which the SpiceDB service is listening50051Yes
spicedb.fully_consistentbooleanEnable consistent API responses (slower but most consistent)falseNo